Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Other Wind

The Other Wind is the book I have been reading for my presentation in class. This is a story of a man named Alder, who is born the son of a witch. In this book every child that is born from a witch has a special power and his is the ability to mend things. He first notices this gift when a bowl fell out of his hand and dropped to the ground, causing it to break into many pieces. As he picked up the pieces, he started to mend it back together and made it whole again. When his mother found out her sons gift, she sent him to a local sorcerer to be able to master and harness this ability. After he had been there learning for a few weeks, a girl his age named Lily came with the same power as Alder and also wanting to learn from the sorcerer. As they spent a lot of time around each other critiquing there powers, Alder started to fall in love with this girl. He then found out that she was in love with him also, so they got married and Lily got pregnant. Something went wrong when she was about to give birth and both Lily and the baby died suddenly. This took Alder some time to get over but after a while he finally accepted that she was gone and not coming back. But then one night while he was sleeping, he had this dream that he was on top of a hill and his wife was calling him to her. As he got closer, he saw that there was a wall separating Alder from Lily. She kept yelling for him to save her, but for some reason he couldn’t move. She reached over the wall and touched his arm and gave him a kiss on the lips, right after the kiss he woke up. So now since that night, he has the same dream of him on that hill and his wife is calling him to save her but he can’t move. Alder goes to see many different sorcerers about this dream and all of them say that the only person they know of that has crossed the wall of the living dead and come back is a man called Sparrowhawk. Alder has to travel a far distance, but he finally gets to the home of Sparrowhawk and explains to him the dream that he keeps having.


  1. I really like your cliff hanger. It provokes one to want to read it.

  2. Mark! great post, you really made me interested in this book, you did a great job explaining the book
