Monday, November 9, 2009

Lake Bonny Park

"I went to Lake Bonny Park for this assignment, and I stayed there for at least 20 minutes." This is my first time walking around a park in a couple years. As I walked around, I started to think about how so many people take it all for granted. This caused me to look around and see how many trees and other parts of nature that had to get cut down, so they could build a baseball field for the local people. It made me think about how nobody seems to care about nature, till they hear about something like global warming. Why does it take a bunch of people giving information about something, to finally get people to appreciate the stuff that has been the all around them their entire life? I have no answer for this question, but I can say that I haven’t sat around and appreciated all of nature around me like I should. Ok now let’s get back to talking about me walking around Bonny Park and all the different things I saw around. I went to the park with Neil from our class and walked on the side walk till we got to the bridge. As we walked on the bridge, we saw a couple people and started they started talking to us. The man was telling us how there was a 10 foot alligator that used to chill under the bridge, but it was getting to big so someone a wildlife person came and shot it. I don’t think this was a true story that the man was telling us, but it got me thinking, what if he is telling the truth. What if someone thought the gator was getting to big and was considered dangerous to the people that come to the park? Thinking about this made me upset, true or not true, this was the gators home and we are the ones that cut down all the trees without thinking about the wildlife that already lives in the area. All in all this was a great experience, being able to read a poem and take in all that nature has to offer.


  1. mark great post! you made good points and reminders to how we take nature for granted.

  2. It is true about the alligators because they do not want them to harm the public. At disney, when there are too many ducks, they kill the eggs, catch the ducklings and adult ducks and kill them. It is the same with the alligators. When there are too big,they get rid of the problem by killing them. It's really sad.
