Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Blog

This is a story about soldiers life in Vietnam during the Vietnam War and one soldiers love for someone who didnt love him. Even though the soldiers would rather be anywhere else in the world, they are in Vietnam doing their duty for their country. Without knowing the reason or purpose of what they were doing, they still carried out their orders. "By daylight, they took sniper fire, at night they were mortered, but it was not battle, it was just endless march, village to village, without purpose, nothing won or lost". The narrator is explaining that the soldiers didnt believe in what they were doinghad any purpose but they still went on through it all.

One soldiers love for someone that didnt love him. War can be a very lonely place for soldiers, so they try to think about their previous relationships or love. For this soldier it was a college girl back in New Jersey, that he went out on a date with but like him the way he liked her. This is sad because he is in the middle of a war and all he can think about is this girl. Then one of his soldiers gets shot and killed while he was day dreaming about this woman. So he burns the notes and pictures he has of her and tries to go on without thinking about her.


Did he really love this girl?
Could he of saved the soldier if he wasnt day dreaming?

1 comment:

  1. I believe he loved her and that she did have the same feelings for him, but she was not sure about her feelings for him. When the war separated them, I believe it caused Martha to realize just exactly what she lost. She lost the one person who cared about her. She was always to herself in everything she did, and she became comfortable with that. The fact that she thought of him, and found in a pebble what could bring them together proves her love for him and her own realization.
